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My Gemlogs

I am noone terribly important. I am no coder, or leader. I simply am enthusiastic about technologies, space, gaming, and happen to have severe vision disabilities. While I have 'been on line' since the mid 90's and even had a (now dead and deleted) blogger account. I mostly realized that I spent my time just fiddling with formatting and settings and tags and whatnot. Gemini suits my sensabilities far better and will hopefully help give framework to force me to focus, at least marginally, on the task at hand. I have no illusions that anyone cares. I just have the occasional thought that I like sharing, or in some cases I feel maybe it could be useful to someone else.


No More Foot Dragging


Mall Rats - Characters




Mall Rats - Overview


Resolutions and Projects


The Mobile Thing


The Year of Doing Scary Things.

The 2023 Archive

The year I moved from Flounder to Ctrl-C. The year of me leaving Twitter and doing self reflection.

The 2023 Archive.

The 2022 Archive

Clutter avoidance. Because scrolling through a singular mamoth list is annoying.

The 2022 Archive.

The 2021 Archive

Because I want tn keep things from becoming too cluttered up here.

The 2021 Archive.

The Gopher Attempts

All of the following are text files from when I toed my water in the world of gopher. Granted I also did so right as I was about to move and embark on a fairly involved rennovation. So I ended up not updating after a certain point, and by the time the rennovations had ended Gemini had caught my attention. I could compile all these into proper gmi files, but I feel it is best to put the whole collection into its own directory and seperate from my attempts at Gemini blogging.


New Home.


My basic Wishlist for whoever ends up as president.


Sharpening the tools


To BBS or Not to BBS


Now Stumbled into the World


Network Stumbling and Flailing


Writing Stumbling Blocks


Terminal Musings

Gopher Stumbling Blocks

The Blogger Archives

For several years I had a more traditional blog on blogspot. technically it's still out there. Most of the images are dead, but it exists. I'm not very proud of most of the content, but i did find some gems i happened to think worth hanging onto for one reason or another.

In time I do plan on making an organized list, but for now. I present it as a raw directory of pages.

The Blogger Archive


Go Home
