Reaction to Mr H's review of V for Vindetta

Original Video Review

I'm someone that's got a few opinions on this in spite of loving both movie and comic (I'd bought the omnibus then, after seeing our library lacked, donated it and was damned glad when it showed up in the stacks.)

1. About the fact the comic seems far more... blunt in its telling of things. While the Wachowskis were more blatant in linking the rise of Norsefire to the War on Terror? The comic didn't shy away from being political either. I mean for chrissakes the whole thing STARTS with a 'limited' nuclear exchange with britain being caught in the crossfire. Then gets steadily worse. So while some can and did moan and bitch loudly at the 'waah it's saying bush bad war on terror wah wah wah waaah'? It's no more or less political than the original. it is simply moving the initial 'push' from cold war era misguided thoughts that nuclear exchange was going to be that 'mild' to the war on terror just escalating.

And to anyone pointing and going 'This movie is trying ot say 9/11 was an inside job'? I can gurentee you that there were elements in the government hoping for an excuse, but I just don't see anyone activly performing a false flag because all it takes is one person on the inside to go out with documentation. No Michael Moore's sources don't count.

2. The accusation that V falls in love with Every? Well keep in mind the comic had Every as sixteen where natily portman... isn't. And personally thank fucking GOD. I personally think the romantic subtext was handled quite well all things considered. V did rescue her. He showed her the world as it was past her comfortable bubble and hormonal feelings that get interpreted as attraction are known to start up when in high stress situations.

3. 'Is it too late to apologize?' I loved that performance from both actors. That was masterful on both counts and I am grateful for it, because while V judged her.... he gave her absolution, the only one of those from larkhill to ask or recieve it.

4. the comedian.... I LOVED that bit of satire thrown up. Then again c'mon it's a straight up Benny Hill sketch with a touch of biting social commentary that hits WAY too close to comfort for Sutler's liking. Also the man's private museum of damnation. He places a Koran in a place of respect. It is not a trophy it is a holy text. Sure he is not muslim but it is still good to show that was given a touch of respect rather than it just be the man's orientation being his sole focus for his collection.

5. THe Speech. It is VASTLY different. In the comic it is 'shape up or die.' Here... it feels needed. It is a call to act. Yes it is linked with the war on terror but frankly? It needed to be said. Too many of us were too gung ho on sending the troops out ot go kick the shit out of things. Granted Saddam needed to be overthrown, but there was just... so. much. mismanagement. We fucked up and we fucked up hard all while Bush Jr was prancing about in a flight suit all while banners waved declaring 'mission accomplished.' Those people that come down for the movie being too political really need to sit down and shut up since at the time any voice not gung ho for war was being told to sit down and shut up. So seeing these two flush with recognition from the matrix movies going 'Guys. STOP. Look where that road will go.' It was needed.

6. Which brings me to the ending. I'm grateful for the change both because showing V torturing a poor widow of one of his murder victims til she became his execution tool would have killed any hope at audience reception of what was being said. Turning it to 'these are all the faces that were silenced coming back to watch it all BURN... was powerful ye t handled in a way that wasn't blatantly vindictive and only became so on further reflection.

7. 'Anarchy wears two faces.' While that throughline was heavily truncated to the point many seem to think V in the movie isn't an anarchist? I rather heartily disagrees. V is the destroyer. He is very obviously trying ot build Every up as the caretaker and gardener to build and create with Finch serving as a potential successor to her since he has vivid memories of the system that was from its inside so would be keen to NEVER allow such to rise again. That said? Even if you come away thinking it was just a man wronged hoping to topple a corrupt government? IS THAT SO BAD as a take away?

8. The music... DEAR GOD the Music. the set dressing. All of it. Wonderful.



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