Marvel's Eternals is officially the first MCU Flop

Ever since the popularization of 'oh it's toxic MEN'S fault for our product to do badly' by Ghostbusters 2016 Hollywood has been ramping up on that refrain. Star Wars used it. Terminator used it. On... and on. That refrain of sexism, review bombing, blaming basement dwelling manchildren all after shrieking 'this movie isn't for MEN' then acting surprised when the people being insulted don't show up....

An MCU movie Bombed after pulling the minority card to cover for its flaws, and this time daddy warbucks can't buy positive press or buy up theaters worth of tickets to cover it because covid squeezed Disney as hard if not harder than everyone else.

I saw the previews and this... joyless morose de-saturated mass of morose depression. There was nothing unique here. There was none of that Kirby Crackle. None of the flash and pomp the comics had. Then you had people who didn't know comics look to me and 'the fuck is this?' With my response to my stepdad being 'an utter shitshow. Hard Pass.'

At least with Dark World you had Hiddleson and Himesworth interplay to look forward to. The fuck does this have? Good Boy points to parade around Twitter?

Keep in mind the people most offended are, from what I'm seeing (which is admittedly a VERY small sample size in the grand scale,) those in the LGBTQ+ community because they are being used as a shield and their enjoyment is simply assumed. 'Here we did the thing we don't care if it's shitty you'll like it anyway.'

That one facebook user comparing blackfacing King Greyskull to getting handed used clothes applies here too. You're expected to smile and be grateful for getting anything at all when it's really just a slap in the face disguised as kindness.

That's where my anger comes from at these backhanded responses when the paying customer base is out and out telling them we don't want this garbage fire as they arrogantly believed that they were entitled to have us show up to whatever dumpster heap they left for us all while mouthing off at anyone who was disinterested much less took issue with the adaptation.

It's finally... FINALLY happened. the MCU has a flop on their hands and their past strategies with captain marvel by shrieking of review bombing failed because... oh no. It's the bought and paid for industry approved critics that are going 'yea no this is shit.' So now they're pivoting. Saying that this was always intended as a standalone thing unconnected from the MCU as a shallow attempt to save face.

This is my mad vindictive laughter.



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